Here’s an interesting bike that was donated to FCCB last year, a Dahon Stowaway Folding Bike from the 1990’s. Dahon started in 1983, and is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of folding bicycles, By 1995 they were producing 400,000 folders a year! While it rides like a full size bike, it can break down to the size of a small suitcase when not in use. Folding bikes are great for riders with limited storage space; you could ride it to work and stash it in the broom closet, or store it under your bed in a small apartment.

Last year two of these beauties were donated to FCCB by a couple that took them on a trip to Europe and used them to get from the train station to the city center when they arrived in a new city. A long time patron of the shop who is now on our Board of Directors ended up with of the one pictured here; did YOU get the other one? Drop us line and tell us how you use it! Email us or let us know on Facebook!