Over the winter of 2017-2018, the FCCB Board of Directors decided to increase our scope of operations by adding to the team an Executive Director.
This position will serve FCCB by expanding efforts in community engagement, fundraising, and communications. We look forward to an exciting summer of 2018 and beyond with our new E.D. Bill Carey!

Bill was born and raised in Charlottesville, Virginia. After stints in Richmond, Boston, Nashville, and Chicago, he moved to NYC to pursue a career in music. During his time in New York, he worked as a bicycle messenger and a mechanic. He began racing, primarily crits and track races. It was while working in administration at Rockefeller University on the Upper East Side that Bill became actively involved in the cycling advocacy community that was gaining momentum in NYC. It was on these daily rides across the Manhattan Bridge as a commuter, in a billion conversations with other daily commuters, that his lifelong love affair with the bicycle became something that he knew he wanted to spend his life in some capacity helping others to experience the same joy and freedom he experienced by being fully in control of his way of getting around.

Fast forward to 2018, Bill is now a father and Louisville resident and is thrilled to have an opportunity to make a positive impact on the Louisville cycling community as the Executive Director at Falls City Community BikeWorks.