Ringing bells atop our handle bars and throwing friendly high-fives to every child and child-like adult, members of Falls City Community BikeWorks pedaled in the 41st St. Patrick’s Day parade on March 12th,2016.

The cacophonic assemble of 100,000 behind caution tape stood in awe as we looped in unison around and around, up Baxter Avenue and Bardstown Road, dodging potatoes, carrots, and cabbage, stray candy, and empty Solo cups. In front and behind us, a total of 150 groups trekked along in the parade, including local businesses,social clubs, unions, and political figures. The only thing missing were vuvuzelas.
Seth Short, shop manager, in neon blue shades lead our gang with the newly constructed, psychedelically painted Share-the-Road mobile station in tow. Between Friday and Saturday morning, Seth, James Phips, Nick Ross, and other mechanics prepared a variety of donated bikes, and left the shop at 12:30pm promptly Saturday to meet the rest of the gang at the parade starting line on Broadway.

Eager to ride, more than 20 members adorned in seafoam green Falls City t-shirts created our caravan: David “Easy Rider” Frick on a large chopper, cracker-jack mechanic, Nick Ross, on a massive cargo, Kirk Kandle atop his beautiful English commuter, Rick Daughtery on his customized, vintage Schwinn, tactfully and synchronized, Julian Krueger and Salma Meza on a sweet Santayana tandem, John Krueger on a vintage Dahon collapsible bike, FCCB Friend, Paul Dillon, on a seasoned BMX racer, his cousin on an extended low chopper; a scooter, recumbent, break-less fixies, and other personal bikes were ridden by Constance Dunn, Tom Hughes, Denise Greer, Sarah Traughber, Ben Goldenberg, Annie Nash, Greg Ellis, and Jenny Speak.

“More people learned that we exist that day,” Andy Dyson observed at 5pm, the end of our 1 mile-1 hour journey after which we celebrated connecting with the community over green cabbage and honorary libations in the heart of Louisville.

Written by Sarah Traughber • Photos by Andy Dyson