Falls City Community Bikeworks ("FCCB") is a 501c3 non-profit community bike shop in Louisville, KY since 2014.

The shop is open to the public and staffed by dedicated volunteers. We have bike tools, supplies, parts and volunteer mechanics who can teach you how to repair or improve your bike.

FCCB Latest

Job Opening: Shop Manager

We are seeking a dedicated and enthusiastic Shop Manager to join our team. The ideal candidate will be responsible for overseeing the regular operations of our community bike shop, ensuring a welcoming and productive atmosphere, and managing inventory and volunteers. Click to download the full job description (PDF) We are accepting applications now using this […]

Winter Open Shop Hours Update

Starting Dec. 1, 2024, we are open one day each week: Sunday, 1:00-4:00pm Wednesday night Open Shop is on pause until Spring 2025. When warmer temperatures return, we’ll return to a schedule with more Open Shop opportunities each week. Our target date for re-introducing Wednesday night Open Shop is March 1, 2025.

Donation Policy Update

Due to a change of building ownership, we’ve had to reduce our storage space for bikes awaiting refurbishment. Without space to store incomplete project bikes, we are now only accepting donations of bicycles in complete, ready-to-ride condition.  Please see our Donations page for more details, or message us with questions.

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Our Mission, in three points:

1. To empower people to make bicycling a more practical and sustainable part of their lives. 

2. To provide a well-equipped workshop where all community members can maintain their own bicycles

3. To share the skills of bicycle maintenance and repair.


Spring/Summer 2025 (December-March)

Sundays: 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Wednesdays: 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM



1217 Logan St. • Louisville, KY • 40204

Louisville, KY 40204